Homeschooling...Ruth Beechick Style!

Natural Learning through real books and real life!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Books of 2010

Late in 2009, I began forming a new habit of daily reading classic books. My new habit carried over into the entire year of 2010 and has now become a passionate hobby. In a previous blog post on December 31, 2009, I shared my reading plans for 2010. Here is the list of what I did read this year, which were many from my original list (I even tweak my own lists and plans:).

Little Women
Anne of Green Gables,
The Chosen
The Hiding Place
Things Fall Apart
The Scarlet Letter
Black Boy
Common Sense
The Grapes of Wrath
Pride and Prejudice
Mansfield Park
Sense and Sensibility
Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl

Books I've started, but haven't finished *yet*.

Farenheit 541
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The Great Gatsby
The Origin of Species
Microbe Hunters
The Lively Art of Writing

A few not-so-classics

Basic American Government (read about 1 chapter...can't decide if I want to continue)
Love and Respect (I *think* I finished this one.)
Lies My Teacher Told Me (almost finished)
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy (finished)
Are You a Liberal, Conservative or Confused? (just started)
Eats, Shoots and Leaves (also just started)
Sacred Marriage (read about 1/2)
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (read about 1/2)

Now I must start thinking about my tentative reading plans for 2011. Oliver Twist will be at the top of that list, since I just began reading it yesterday.



  1. It was soooo wonderful to literally "run into" you yesterday!! I was just thinking recently about how I am blessed to have friends I don't see or talk to often, but still consider wonderful friends that I can easily catch up with like we talk everyday! I definitely consider you one of those friends :) Also love that you are blogging!! I have considered it, but... Tell your sweet family "Merry Christmas" from the Chhim's!!

  2. I feel the same way!!! True friends are a wonderful treasure! I'll be texting you in a bit about lunch this week with one of our other old buddies:)

  3. Great list. A few here are totally new to me.
